
  • 11 Mar 2020

Tenant rental application guide

It is our job to find a suitable tenant for the properties we manage, on behalf of the owners of the properties.

It might help you to understand that property owners have two major concerns:

  1. Is the tenant going to pay the rent on time so that I can pay my mortgage?
  2. Is the tenant going to look after my property so that it maintains its value as an investment?

In order to minimise risk to our owners, our office maintains a very strict Tenant Selection Criteria. Our aim is to take as much care as possible in the selection process to ensure stable, happy tenancies.

Your rental history is a very important factor in your application. We will contact your present and past agents/landlords to obtain a reference. This includes a ledger showing your rent payment history. If your application shows a poor payment history, we unfortunately will not be recommending your application to the owner.

Tenant Selection Criteria










If you are a first-time tenant,  don’t despair – we will still consider your application, but we will be looking very closely at other factors including a stable income and employer references.

If you have no rental history because you have been a home-owner, we would love to hear from you! Paying your own mortgage and taking care of your own property means that you will do the same as a tenant. If your property is on the sale market, give us the name of your sales agent so that we can obtain a reference from them.

Finally, it is absolutely imperative that you are truthful on your application and do not leave out any relevant information.

We have access to many resources including TICA (a national tenancy database), and have good working relationships with other agents in the area. Our application processing procedure is thorough and designed to show up any inconsistencies. Any application that is misleading or untruthful is automatically declined.

If there is a reason why your rental history is not as good as it should be, you must be up front and explain your situation on your application form. We can then pass this onto the owner who can make an informed decision.